Road Construction truth telling

Real Life Adventures

Now this is reality. I did a roundtrip through New Orleans,LA recently (1,719 miles), and am due to head off to Dallas,TX this Saturday (~1,700 miles).

Love that road construction!


New Orleans

I must say, the devestation from Katrina and Rita was worse that I had prepared myself to see. We're going back tomorrow (Saturday) to get some work done, as we just had a survey trip today. The stench of downtown New Orleans was remarkable, but not as bad as a house we visited that sat for 3 weeks in several feet of water. The town of Pass Christian, Mississippi will lose 90% of it's structures, because those that aren't already destroyed (from a 30-foot tidal surge that WIPED OUT several blocks) will have to be demolished.

I kept my composure until a pastor was describing for me how he sent the children upstairs because the water was coming into the first floor... and taking an axe upstairs to cut a hole in the roof if need be to get his family to the roof if the water made it to the 2nd floor. I stood there thinking, "What if I had been here?", and of the terror of my children, watching the water rise and hearing the hurricane force winds, would be looking to me to protect them. Those whose homes flooded have lost everything. I can not comprehend it.

I wept for the 1,000 people whom the waters swept into Eternity. Many of them unprepared to meet their Creator. Like those who realized too late that Noah's preaching had been right, and had come too late to the ark. The door was closed and they were taken away.